

SciArt Master Training Event

De 13 a 15 de novembro de 2024, teve lugar o “SciArt Master Training Event”, uma atividade de formação de três dias para a Formação de Professores no âmbito do programa europeu Erasmus+ SciArt. A Master Training, que contou com a participação de mais de 25 professores, académicos e profissionais de museus de três países – Chipre, Grécia e Portugal – teve lugar na Universidade da Macedónia Ocidental, em Florina.

Os participantes tiveram a oportunidade de trocar ideias, explorar novas abordagens de ensino e discutir estratégias para a sua implementação em ambientes educativos. O objetivo da ação era reforçar a ligação entre ciência, tecnologia e artes, centrando-se no estudo de objectos museológicos do património cultural, através de uma abordagem STEAM inclusiva. Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os participantes, parceiros e colaboradores pelo seu contributo significativo para o sucesso do evento de três dias. O projeto SciArt continua a capacitar os educadores para criarem experiências de aprendizagem enriquecedoras e inclusivas.

The SciArt Project
The SciArt Project2 hours ago
🚀 Join the SciArt Pilot Activities!
Explore the intersection of STEAM, cultural heritage, and 21st-century skills. 🌍👩‍🏫🎨

Where: Cyprus, Greece, Portugal
When: February - April 2025

🔗 Find out more about the project:

#SciArt #STEAM #CulturalHeritage #Teachers #Students #EducationInnovation #ApplyNow
The SciArt Project
The SciArt Project4 days ago
✨What did teachers have to say about the SciArt Training?

🚀 Join the SciArt Pilot Activities!
Explore the intersection of STEAM, cultural heritage, and 21st-century skills. 🌍👩‍🏫🎨

Where: Cyprus, Greece, Portugal
When: February - April 2025

🔗 Find out more about the project:

#SciArt #STEAM #CulturalHeritage #Teachers #Students #EducationInnovation #ApplyNow
The SciArt Project
The SciArt Project5 days ago
SciArt Pilot activities are already running in Greece 🙌🏽
🔜Stay tuned to find out how to get involved in Cyprus and Portugal ✨
The SciArt Project
The SciArt Project6 days ago
🌿"Original, ambitious and proming" - primary school teacher, participant of the SciArt Training

🚀 Join the SciArt Pilot Activities!
Explore the intersection of STEAM, cultural heritage, and 21st-century skills. 🌍👩‍🏫🎨

Where: Cyprus, Greece, Portugal
When: February - April 2025

🔗 Find out more about the project:

#SciArt #STEAM #CulturalHeritage #Teachers #Students #EducationInnovation #ApplyNow
The SciArt Project
The SciArt Project1 week ago
🎓 A few months ago, the SciArt Training took place in Florina, Greece.

Here's a short testimony from one of the teachers who attended.

Join us for the Pilot Activities!
Where: Cyprus, Greece, Portugal
When: February - April 2025


🔗 Find out more about the project:

#SciArt #STEAM #CulturalHeritage #Teachers #Students #EducationInnovation #ApplyNow
The SciArt Project
The SciArt Project1 week ago
🎓 What’s in it for students?
Students will develop:

🤝Teamwork and communication
🌐Digital literacy
🎨And explore personal & local identities through art and culture!
🧠The SciArt programme empowers students to think critically, collaborate, and navigate the digital world!

Where: Cyprus, Greece, Portugal
When: February - April 2025

🔗 Find out more about the project:

#SciArt #STEAM #CulturalHeritage #Teachers #Students #EducationInnovation #ApplyNow