Tereza Markidou

Tereza Markidou (PhD) is a researcher, a primary school teacher and art educator. She is currently External Collaborator at the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus, where she offers seminars regarding the Historical Dimensions of Art Education. Previously, she has worked as a Scientific Collaborator at the European University of Cyprus, Larnaca College and the University of Cyprus. Tereza holds a BA in Education Sciences (University of Cyprus), an MA in Creative and Visual Arts (University of Exeter) and a PhD in Art Education (UCL Institute of Education). In 2016, she received a postdoctoral Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award, that she completed successfully at Teachers College – Columbia University, New York. Tereza is committed on enhancing the social and inclusive dimensions of art education through developing theoretically grounded and quality learning experiences offered in and out of school to children and adults. Her research work is presented to various local and international conferences and peer-reviewed journals, and she co-authored art education programmes for museums, universities, and NGOs in Cyprus. Moreover, she has a rich voluntary practice as an art education consultant, and she is a member of local and international art education associations (CySEA, InSEA). Recently, she has contributed as assistant curator and member of the team of the project In the Sea of the Setting Sun: Contemporary Photographic Practices and the Archive, organised by the International Association of Photography and Theory (IAPT) and sponsored by the Cultural Services of the Deputy Ministry of Culture, Cyprus