Philippos Koutsakas

Philippos Koutsakas holds a Ph.D. in MOOCs potential in K12 education (University of Thessaly, Greece), an M.Phil. degree in teaching Computational Thinking (University of Kingston, United Kingdom) and a B.Sc in Computer Science (Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece). He is a Computer Science Educator in Greek primary / secondary education (Experimental School of the University of Thessdaloniki), an Adjunct Professor in the University of Nicosia (Cyprus) and in the ACT of the Anatolia College of Thessaloniki (Greece). In the past he worked as a researcher in the Research Programmes Division of the Unisoft / ALTEC S.A., where he participated in several research projects. His research interests lie in the fields of Open Educational Resources and Practices, Open Learning Methodologies Practices and Platforms, Massive Open Online Courses, Special Education and ICTs for Inclusive Education, STE(A)M and Computational Thinking in primary and secondary education.